Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Case of the Missing Tomato

David and I planted a tomato plant this year. The plant grew like crazy, but only produced one tomato. Although we hoped for more tomatoes, we excitedly watched the tomato grow and anticipated eating it on a sandwich or taco. Finally the tomato was ripe and ready for the picking. I contemplated if I should pick the tomato on Sunday, but I decided to wait one more day to let it become extra ripe. On Monday I went to pick the tomato and it was gone. Someone snatched it from our front porch. David and I were so upset. Not only had we watched the tomato grow for the last 6 weeks, but it was also an expensive tomato because I had to buy a new pot and soil. Disappointed over our tomato we morned its loss over a donut and slurpee.

Note: This picture is not our tomato. We were going to take a picture before we picked it, but then it was gone.

A's Game

David and I went to our first major league baseball game. The A's lost, but we had a fun time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Uncle Jerry's Party

I downed lots of Claritin and left the beach behind.
I was going to Jerry’s Jubilee to have a great time.
I won a pink quilt tied with tiny blue stitches
And left with a leg full of mosquito bite itches

Trisa went on bike rides and made taco dinner
However this year she was not a quilt winner
Saturday Keith and Steve arrived there in style
Just in time for pictures and to joke for a while

Jon water skied. He’s the true iron man
He rode on his bike And he ran and he ran
Larissa was creative with our tee shirts’ design
She calmed crying babies and kids that would whine

Michelle saved the day with ten pizza pies
That soon disappeared right before our eyes.
Danny made a rocket that really did fly
It shot up pop bottle. Everyone wanted a try

Austin jumped and jumped and jumped some more
The trampoline he found was never a bore
Sophie and Aurianna loved the little kiddie pool
One night they had a sleepover because it was cool

Kalli was so sweet in her ladybug suit
She pet all the dogs. She thought they were cute
Madelynn rode horses, jumped, and swam
She also got a stuffed horse from her great gram.

Joe and Biannca are always lots of fun
They skied on the lake and soaked up the sun
There were horses and bikes and fun all around
Who would have thought Blackfoot was a happenin’ town

Mount Timpanogos

While on my vacation to Utah I was able to go on a hike to Mount Timpanogos with my brother Jon and his family. I haven't been to the cave forever so it was fun.