Sunday, July 17, 2011

What you have missed

Our T.V. is run by a computer and Aspen discovered the fun of the keyboard. She loved to push the buttons and see what came up on the screen. Of course this we cute at first, but soon became a problem. We had to replace the keyboard with a wireless version. Sad for baby, good for Mommy and Daddy.

Aspen loves her dad. She likes to follow him around the house and she sometimes clings to him and refuses to come to me. She knows him by name and often looks at him and says dada.

Aspen loves to splash in the water. She also likes to dip her hand in the water and then suck on her fingers. Silly baby. Of course there is nothing cuter than a baby in a ducky towel.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

*Warning* The cuteness factor on this post is dangerously high.